This page is for the use of parents and teachers alike. Come visit to check for any new updates or information on upcoming events.
We will be providing Agendas to all students from Kindergarten to Grade 6. We ask that you pay $5 to help cover the cost. Students in Gr. 7 and 8 will have the option of purchasing a school agenda or getting one of their own.
We are currently completing Medical plans for students in our school who have allergies. In some cases, these allergies are life-threatening. As a school, we are attempting to be as nut-free as possible. As you know, we cannot completely guarantee nut-free, but we will do our absolute best. It is for this reason, that we ask everyone to ensure foods coming into the school are nut-free. We DO NOT allow parents to bring food into the school as treats for birthdays or celebrations. Please note that ALL medications must be dropped off at the office by the parent and the appropriate forms completed regarding how they are to be administered. No medication should ever be in the child's possession unless specifically addressed by the office.
If your child is absent, please ensure that you contact the school to let us know. You can do so by calling the absence in or by accusing the Safe Arrival Form on our school website. If you know in advance that your child will be away, please ensure the teacher knows via a note.