Bullying takes on many forms. The most common are:
Name Calling or Teasing
Gossiping or Isolating
***Cyber bullying is becoming one of the most common and most difficult to address.
Check out the following videoclip that clearly shows an example of bullying:
View other Webisodes by checking out www.stopbullyingnow.hrsa.gov
We strongly encourage the Bystander to play an active role in Bully prevention, as many eyes are a great deterrent!
At Our Lady of Grace, we have developed a system of reporting that allows everyone an opportunity to report when individuals have been bullied or have witnessed bullying. We call them Bullytins.
Primary Bullytin Junior/Intermediate Bullytin
Once students/parents fill out the form, we ask that they send them to their teacher/child's teacher or bring them directly to the office. All bullytins are dealt with anonymously.